death-thrash metal
Albums scraped2021-12-06T16:55:27.038Z
Last updated2021-12-07T08:02:08.943Z
Released at
87Claustrofobia - FULMINANT1987
85Mayhem - Warfare Noise II1988
90Vacant Grave - Life Or Death1990
19Protector - A Shedding Of Skin1991
74No Return - Contamination Rises1991
82Bluuurgh... - In My Embrace1992-10
91Agressor - Satan'S Sodomy1993
92Master - Collection of Souls1993
7Merciless - Unbound1994-03-14
69Mortification - Break the Curse1994-11-10
50Nile - Nile1994
78Baphomet - Trust1994
30Criminal - Dead Soul1997
66Impious - Evilized1998-07-06
47Torture Squad - Shivering1998
24Defleshed - Fast Forward1999-11-07
46Torture Squad - Asylum Of Shadows1999
62Vader - Future Of The Past II - Hell In The East1999
72Corporation 187 - Subliminal Fear1999
37Claustrofobia - Claustrofobia2000
32Torture Squad - THE UNHOLY SPELL2001-08
56Occult - Rage to Revenge2001
98Ebony Tears - Evil as Hell2001
33Impious - The Killer2002-09-09
29Corporation 187 - Perfection In Pain2002-11-04
88Soulless - Agony's Lament2002-11
34Merciless - Merciless2002-12-27
17Claustrofobia - Thrasher2002
99Nocturnal Fear - Sterilize And Exterminate2002
73Hellwitch - Final Approach2003-01-28
14Grimfist - Ghouls Of Grandeur2003-09-22
8Deathchain - Deadmeat Disciples2003-10-01
42Hatesphere - Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Black2003-12-08
27Konkhra - Reality Check2003
81Katafalk - Storm of the horde2003
70NODe - Das Kapital2004-03
58Hatesphere - Ballet of the Brute2004-06-07
54The Crown - Crowned Unholy2004-08-09
39Final Breath - Let Me Be Your Tank2004-10-25
68Flesh Made Sin - Dawn of the Stillborn2004-11-15
61Impious - Hellucinate2004
6Hatesphere - The Killing Ep2005-01-31
64Maze Of Torment - Hammers of Mayhem2005-03-29
21Defleshed - Reclaim the Beat2005-04-04
52Hallows Eve - Evil Never Dies2005-05-14
22The Machete - Regression2005-08-24
31Criminal - Sicario2005-09-05
40Construcdead - The Grand Machinery2005-09-28
86Evildoer - Terror Audio2005-09
57Deathchain - Deathrash Assault2005-10-12
4Legion of the Damned - Malevolent Rapture2005-11-23
84Claustrofobia - Fuminant2005
97Nocturnal Fear - Fog of War2005
93Mokoma - Kuoleman laulukunnaat2006-02-08
53Submission - Failure to perfection2006-02-27
59Abominator - The Eternal Conflagration2006-05-28
5Rytmihäiriö - Seitsemän surman siunausliitto2006-10-18
25Necrodeath - 100% Hell2006
71Laxative - United Havoc2006
60Legion of the Damned - Sons of the Jackal2007-01-05
3Deathchain - Cult of Death2007-05-23
35The Machete - Untrue2007-09-05
45Discard - Carrion2007-10-17
1Mokoma - Luihin ja ytimiin2007-11-28
13Amon Amarth - The Crusher - Reissue2007
23Legion of the Damned - Feel The Blade2008-01-02
76Revocation - Empire Of The Obscene2008-02-12
15Torture Squad - Hellbound2008-04-25
96Legion of the Damned - Cult of the Dead2008-12-19
77Nocturnal Fear - Code Of Violence2008
38Criminal - White Hell2009-02-27
16Hatesphere - To The Nines2009-02
95Cursed Carnival - Taste The Fear (Debut Album)2009-08-31
48Hellwitch - Omnipotent Convocation2009-08
89The Black Dahlia Murder - Deflorate2009-09-11
80Nocturnal Fear - Metal Of Honor2009-11-03
55Pitbull Terrorist - C.I.A.2009-11-06
36Claustrofobia - I See Red2009
100Deadly Remains - Before The Nothing2010-01-08
12Torture Squad - AEquilibrium2010-08-20
49Feared - Feared2010
51Thousand Leaves - END OF ENDLESS NIGHT2011-03-13
11Hatesphere - The Great Bludgeoning2011-09-27
26Feared - Rejects2011
63Claustrofobia - Peste2011
79Nocturnal Fear - Excessive Cruelty2011
65Mortad - The Myth Of Purity2012-03-00
43Feared - Refeared2012
10Feared - Furor Incarnatus2013-02-17
94Orator - Kapalgnosis2013-02-20
20Hatesphere - Murderlust2013-09-27
67Feared - Vinter2013-11-25
75Feared - Synder2015-05-25
28Hatesphere - New Hell2015
83Master - An Epiphany Of Hate2016-01-29
44Protector - Cursed And Coronated2016-02-26
18Feared - Reborn2016-03-00
2Vader - Iron Times2016-08-12
9Feared - Svart2017-12-00
41Hatesphere - Reduced to Flesh2018